Garuda Group Safety Board (GGSB)
- April 2023

Garuda Group Safety Board (GGSB) is a group consisting of Garuda Indonesia Group, namely Citilink Indonesia, GMF AeroAsia, Gapura Angkasa, Aerowisata Food, Aerowisata Transport, and Garuda Daya Pratama Sejahtera. GGSB aims to strengthen safety within the Garuda Indonesia Group. One of the activities carried out by GGSB is to hold quarterly meetings.

On Friday 10 March 2023 GGSB meeting was held by Citilink Indonesia as the host. This meeting discussed the achievement of the 2022 Safety Performance Indicator (SPI) and the safety work program in 2023. As one of the participants at the meeting, GMF AeroAsia, represented by Safety Inspection, gave an explanation regarding the achievement of the 2022 SPI along with safety work program in 2023. "We provide an explanation related to SPI in 2022 where our overall safety target is achieved." said Angga Dwi Cahyo, Manager of Safety Promotion. "In addition, GMF also delivered a safety work program in 2023 in the form of a Safety Performance Indicator (SPI) presentation for this year. “I believe that GMF and the GA Group can maintain the positive trend of safety. Moreover, communication between the Garuda group can continue to be well established." he added.[TQY]