Safety Risk Management Through Risk Register
- October 2019


Talking about the implementation of safety, certainly some questions arise. How safe our work area is? From which side the implementation of safety should be improved? How far the action has been taken to work safely? PT. GMF Aeroasia Tbk has been implementing the Safety Management System since 2008, tools have been used to carry out Safety Risk Management with several hazard identification methods, including the Predictive side including HIRAM & M-LOSA, from the Proactive side there are IOR, Surveillance, and Audit. And from Reactive side there is an investigation using MEDA method. But all of Safety Risk Management conducted, there are no tools to collect all hazards and risks hence the level of risk (risk value) can be captured.

In 2017, a development was carried out for the Risk Register which refers to CASA where all hazards and / or risks are collected and assessed the risks to the mitigation. The Risk Register began implemented in 2018 with total hazard identification of around 2500 items. In Safety Risk Management there are 3 stages of risk register, there are:

Risk Subject Information comes from various sources including 3 hazard identification methods and Internal Risk Assessment that owned by each department. On Current Risk Profile it will know the actual risk value before mitigate with amount of Risk Dimension. The Risk Dimension is category of collected hazards and it consists of 22 categories that covering Quality & Safety, Health, Safety & Environment (HSE), and Enterprise. In Risk Register, the effectiveness of existing program or system are assessed and the improvements can be made. In Proposed Risk Profile, the mitigation process must be ensured to reduce the level of risk (risk value) from the Current Risk Profile to reach an acceptable level. In 2019, each department is required to conduct risk register by personnel who have trained Safety Risk Management (SRM) training and it also need support from all personnel to get involved in hazard identification.[TQY]