SAG Award & Best IOR 2018
- April 2019


The Quality Assurance & Safety (TQ) service gives awards to 3 employees who have made the best Internal Occurrence Report (IOR). The IOR was chosen because it has a significant safety impact. This award is expected to motivate employees to be more concerned in reporting hazards in their respective work environments.

The Best IOR in the second semester of 2018 are Siti Alifah, Warsito, and Lukman Nolhakim. The award was presented directly by Business Director & Base Operation Tazar Marta Kurniawan in the 2nd semester QSMR in 2018 at Audiotorium Hangar 4, March, 18th 2019.

As the first winner, Siti Alifah reported contamination of the oil used for the media flow check. Then Warsito reported the wrong placement of the "Q" task in maintenance job cards. While Lukman reported the existence of a chipped GPU cable.

On this occasion, the award was also given to 3 best SAG (Safety Action Group) secretaries namely Dartin Anton as Secretary of SAG TN as the First Best, Andi Soerachman as Secretary of SAG TFS as the Second Best and Third Best achieved by I Nyoman Sukarsa as Secretary of SAG TFD. The assessment of secretaries is based on several aspects including managing SAG, responsiveness, teamwork skills, coordination communication, and ability to carry out safety programs.

In addition, awards were also given to SAG TN as the Best SAG in 2018. Awards in the form of charter and rotating trophies were given directly to Pudjo Sarwoko as Chair of SAG TN. In addition, awards were also given to SAG TV and SAG TC as the Second and Third Best SAGs.[TQY]